Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Dec 20

Thoughts from My Walk This Morning

  • Things that startled me: four bunnies, a stationary manger display, a (regular) bush, the big borker down the street not barking at me.
  • But I startled the same rabbit two nights in a row.
  • It’s so nice out this morning.* I don’t even need to wear a jacket.
  • My calves have been so sore lately.
  • I wonder where that ambulance is going. I hope my apartment isn’t burning when I get home.
  • That cashier is nice.
  • Where are all the Pokemon I want to catch? And why are walking events when the weather is terrible?

None of these are terribly interesting thoughts, I’m afraid.. unless you’re entertained by the bunnies who scare me.

*Relatively speaking. It’s 40 degrees and rather humid.

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