Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Aug 27


Realize that anyone who tries to put you down about your appearance is assuming that it is your job to please them visually. Once you realize that it isn’t your job to be visually pleasing to anyone, ever, it becomes very hard for anyone to make you feel bad about yourself.


Apr 13

Can You See Me Now?

Apparently, something went wrong with some Windows/Windows Live component the other day. I assume it happened when my display adapter last crashed because Windows Live Messenger also crashed. Unfortunately, nothing appeared too wrong on my end. MSN would open and I’d click to sign in and it would simply tell me it was unavailable. Super helpful, right?

The specific error message was 80040154 and a quick search brought up all sorts of pages that told me to register a specific DLL. However, the instructions didn’t work. Luckily, I’m a smart cookie so I went straight to fixing Windows Live Essentials from the Control Panel. This isn’t rocket science but, considering that almost 100,000 people found the recommended solution not helpful, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to write up a quick post about it.

Nov 11

Thank you internet

I have spent way too much time on My Life is Average but I have gleaned some new knowledge because of it:

  • if you put your headphones in your nose and play your ipod really loudly, you can hear the music through your mouth when it’s open, and can’t hear it when it’s closed.
  • The Magic 8 ball comes with a warning label which says “Not intended as a substitute for a human pregnancy test.”
  • Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
  • “If you watch jaws backwards its about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach.”
  • Microsoft Word puts the red squiggly line under “Ravenclaw” “Hufflepuff” and “Slytherin” … but not “Gryffindor”
  • you can mail a banana as is. All you do is write the address and place a stamp on it and then put it in the mailbox.
  • Apparently someone donated their land in the case that a unicorn ever needed a safe refuge.
  • if you say ‘beer can’ with an English accent, you’re saying ‘bacon’ with a Jamaican accent.
  • a pumpkin with the number 3.14 carved into it would make it a pumpkin pi.
  • Haikus are easy. But sometimes they don’t make sense. Refrigerator.

Oct 05

It was a dark and stormy night

It’s been fairly wet lately which has meant slightly lower temperatures and significantly higher humidity. Give and take, I guess. Last night it also meant a crazy big thunderstorm, the largest I’ve experienced in years. It was pouring when we left the movie theater (we saw Zombieland) and lightning struck as we walked to the car. It got worse over the course of the night, until about the time Ryan was ready to head to bed when lightning was lighting up the whole apartment and thunder striking loud enough to give you a heart attack. It was scaring the cats a bit, too.

I usually stay on the computer while it storms but I actually felt the need to turn it off and unplug it. It was so loud at one point it sounded like it was in the parking lot and the car alarms that were going off would likely agree. At one point, all the outside lights lost power and it went pretty dark in the bedroom. They came on pretty quickly, though and the torrents – as well as the lightning and thunder – let up. For a while, though, it was pretty cool/scary. d=

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