Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Sep 10

Allergies and Facebook

Don’t worry folks, I’m not allergic to Facebook. In fat, up until now, I’ve never had any allergies whatsoever (besides, maybe Bandaid adhesive) so when I started getting really itchy in my hands and feet and tongue! and swelling and brekaing out in hives and turning red, I didn’t know exactly what was happening or what to do. When the hives started, we headed toward the ER on base but, of course, having some sort of reaction wasn’t enough, no. They had to be doing 100% ID check at the gate and the guy had to be paying enough attention to see that my ID had expired in February so he confiscated.

Good thing you don’t need to show your ID at the hospital, right? Oh, wait! You do! So after we got there and waited, I filled out a bunch of paperwork including an extra paper because I didn’t have a military ID and I went through 4 or 5 other IDs in my purse before finding the one that wasn’t expired. Wouldn’t you know that they’d call me before I was even done with said paperwork. Ugh.

So initially, I talk to someone who gives me some Bendaryl but, by that time, everything was already dying down. They make me wait to see the actual physician and I do, after more than an hour. I was fine and just ready to get checked out by then so she listened to a couple deep breaths and I was out of there. They didn’t even send me home with more Benadryl. As you can see, it was quite the waste of time but now I know should something like this happen in the future.

I mentioned Facebook, right? Well, while I was waiting for the physician, the tech/nurse struck up a conversation with some little girl’s mom because they were both from the same city in Washington. They began talking about some guy they both apparently know (in typical it’s-a-small-world-afterall fashion). Of course, the woman told the tech to look up said mutual acquaintance on Facebook.

This struck me as amusing for two reasons. 1) There’s this automatic assumption that everoyne has Facebook, now. Just a few years ago, no one was on Facebook. Myspace was all the rage. 2) I can almost guarantee I would never run into anyone from my hometown or even relatively close. There’s definitely a tendency for folks from home to go Army or National Guard if they enlist because there’s no Marine, Navy or AF base anywhere in the state. Which kind of makes me sad. I want an it’s-a-small-world-afterall moment. Please?

Anyway, I’m all better now so you can go back to your previously scheduled lives.

Jul 13

The Fifth Photo

I was tagged by Dez for this photo meme. You wouldn’t figure it was so hard. I was worried my fifth photo would be an image (as everyone else seemed to be posting photos). In the end, the fifth folder within My Pictures didn’t even have 5 photos so I just went to my photos folder which actually had a usable photo. LOL

1. Go to your fifth picture folder, and choose your fifth picture.
2. Post the pic and tell us the story behind it.
3. Tag a friend to do the same.


Um, this photo was taken on a lovely, overcast day at this little park not far from my house when I was living with Wendy or Ashley (can’t recall). It is not the best shot of the time. Actually, this whole set is kinda significant as it highlights the first time I ever enjoyed photographing anything. Although not the best photos, I enjoy them.

I tag Nik!

May 23

Creative Juices

Wendy and I had an amusing little chat last night on the phone. During, I came up with a really cute concept for a children’s book and have been mulling over it ever since. Of course, I’m not the artist, so she would need to draw my characters (which I can’t tell you about, cause I know you’re all thieves!) but it’s kind of exciting to have new ideas. I feel like I haven’t had a lot of those lately. Heh.

Feb 08

Something’s missing

The fact that having no winter means I don’t get to break out into a crisp spring day. There is no freedom or release from the frozen atmosphere. No green shoots popping up from beneath the snow. There is no first day without a coat. There is nothing to break up the monotony of this weather. It’s pretty much the same 50 – 75% of the year. It’s not just a lack of snow. It’s a lack of life as I know it and it’s disheartening.

I’m sorry Texas, I could never love you.

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