Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Aug 12

Good Times!

A number of things have happened recently which make my quite the happy camper.

For starters, I am counting down the days until I get to see Rian (6 days now!) and anticipating the time we will be spent together, some of which will be here, some in San Antonio with his family, some in Wausau with my family (where my mom has offered to pay for us to rent a car and we will be able to get a discount at the hotel where she works because we’re family) but most of the time here. However, while here we’ll have Wendy staying for a week or so and celebrate our anniversary late at a hotel. (=

Also I am very excited because, for the first time since I moved, Samantha talked to me on the phone last night and she told me she loves me which is only the second time she’s said that. You cannot believe how happy that makes me and I am so anxious to see that little girl. I don’t know if this has to do with the fact that I’m coming home and that makes he be less angry with me or maybe it’s because I pretended to cry on the phone when she wouldn’t talk to me. -chuckles* But I’m super happy and when Mom called today, I could hear Samantha in the background begging to talk to me, so she did. ^_^ Also, I cannot wait to give her the little Dora the Explorer snowglobe I bought for her.

But Samantha isn’t the only reason I’m looking forward to going to Wausau; I get bourbon chicken! YES! I’ve missed that so much. I’m planning a “bourbon chicken party” with all my friends to see them at once and catch up. And I kind miss Mom too, but don’t tell.

Another great thing happened yesterday. My old friend Val(Jetta) from Ozpark e-mailed me and it was great to hear from her as well. It’s great to catch up with her; we used to be super close and talk every day but she’s a busy lady with her children and work.

Also, Wendy’s friend bailed on her which means she has 2 tickets to the Family Values Tour and no one with whom to go so she asked me. Of course we’d have to ask Rian and buy another ticker because it takes place when they’ll both be staying with me but I figured, why not, it’s a decent line up and something to do. The only roadblock we have is that we don’t really have a way there (Wendy’s friend was her ride) so we’re contemplating renting a car for a day or so. I wonder i f any local radio stations would have a bus or something going but I don’t know where to look, really. We’ll see.

On another note, today my friend Christina called to tell me she’d gotten engaged to the guy she’s been dating since earlier this year. I had a chance to meet him and while he was quite, he seemed okay. For some reason I’m much more excited for her than Ashley and, while I feel bad, I don’t feel so bad anymore. I guess Ashley hasn’t been keeping Christina updated about the wedding, either.

At this point, I think I could go to Japan and join Rian before the wedding but, of course, the problem is I’m supposed to be in the wedding and I’ve already backed down as Ashley’s matron of honour (because I don’t believe in the relationship) and I’d feel bad going but I don’t want to stay, nor do I have the money as Rian and I had decide I didn’t really need a job if I can go so much sooner. So I have to have a big talk with Ashley but, of course, she never calls me or anything. Bleh.

Speaking of calling, once in Wausau I’ll be able to get a new cell phone. I broke the screen on mine a few weeks ago and while I can receive and make phone calls, I cannot use anything via the screen (phone book, alarm, texts, etc). Unfortunately, my cell phone carrier doesn’t have any offices further south than Marathon County so I’ve had to wait to replace it.

So that is about all my good news for the day. -grins*

Jul 05


This last week or so has been pretty hectic. I took the bus up to Wausau so I could attend my aunt’s wedding reception (they were married in November) and wound up doing most of the work because it was so poorly planned and her husband doesn’t help with anything. Unfortunately, that didn’t leave any extra time for me to spend with Samantha but we did spend the reception together and she is as adorable as ever.

I had signed the lease on Thursday and spent some time checking out my apartment, making phone calls and getting lunch and was almost late getting to the Greyhound station because I just missed the city bus getting there but I had a few minutes to spare and we actually didn’t leave until well after 3 (the bus was supposed to leave at 2:30) because we had to wait for people at the Amtrak station. he bus made good time even though it stopped at 5 or so different cities along the way and the trip was uneventful, for the most part.

Friday and Saturday morning I helped with the reception and Saturday evening it went off, with quite a few “hitches.” Who in their right mind has a reception 30 miles from anywhere (And whether or not Stratford counts as a place is doubtful at that!) and then forgets to bring stuff for her own reception which results in forcing her brother and nieces to drive back to her place to fetch them which takes at least 45 minutes each way? Anyway, minus some family drama and the fact that my aunt’s husband’s family looked super trashy and no one really showed up, it was okay.. I guess.

Sunday I skipped out on their gift opening party and spent time with Robyn, Wendy and Ashley at the fair although it was boring and super hot. Fair food is super yummy, though! Maybe it’s just because I’m growing older or perhaps the fair really is going downhill, but we were all disappointed with it.

Mnoday was the moving day and we started off later so we didn’t arrive in Rapids until late afternoon. Liz and Tom’s coworker, Shane, agreed to help us move. More or less, we made it to Milwaukee with ease and packed the U-haul up fine, despite the fact that Tom is old and drives super slow.

But the unpacking is another story. Thought they call is the 3rd floor, my apartment is actually on the 4th and Tom wouldn’t back the U-haul up the alley next to the building so we could use the back door which is much closer to my apartment. Needless to say, an already difficult task became nearly impossible and 2 hours later we were still hauling stuff up. That is, until they left me by myself to finish the job. Yup, with everything in the front hall, they up and deserted me. Nice, huh?

It took another 30 minutes to an hour to get the last of it up the stairs and I was exhausted. My arms and legs are still killing me and I also gashed myself nicely on the finger while carrying in one of the last boxes.

Luckily, I found out my refridgerator didn’t work, too! But they replaced it this morning and yesterday Becky helped me rearrange the furniture so it’s more or less how I want it. I have books and movies to unpack but the rest will have to wait until I buy a desk or until it can go into the basement storage.

So I’m sore, exhausted and disappointed in many people and things, as well as still unemployed, but alive and on my own.. again. Yay?

Apr 26

Gov’t Conspiracy!

I’ve uploaded a new song for you to download here.

Did you know that my favourite park in all of Wausau is one without swings? How can that be, you ask?! Simple: it has a great view. I love that little park which overlooks the Wisconsin river, of of Stuart Avenue. I can’t recall the name but it’s such a nice place to stop.

I took a walk today for, what else, food. It might be silly but there’s nothing material which comes close to bringing me the pleasure that Mt Dew and bourbon chicken do. I just appreciate rich tastes, I think.

On my way I stopped at said park. The girl leaning against the brown poll and sitting on the short, stone wall whose stones had had the vision of wooden grains in her stocking feet because her boots were kicked off several feet away, was me. It was delightful.

It’s such a beautiful day today and I long to be out while the sun shines, to take walks and go places and spend time with people and laugh and smile and be in touch with nature rather than locked in this prison, my bedroom, all the time. Alas, damned third shift!

But as time progressed, June is coming sooner. Ashley and I packed up a box of her stuff and I’ll add more to that so that, when the lease is up, Wendy and I won’t have much to pack up besides our stuff. We could probably make due with paper plates and plastic cups, even, to make it easier. Hey, that’s a good idea!

Speaking of Wendy – I miss her. I miss my fun, silly, childish, cute Wenny the wainbow wemur. -sigh* Moving in with people, is not such a good idea. First because my friends don’t make the best roommates and secondly because it’s so difficult to be mean to them when need be and last, because I’m always looking for someone to blame, someone with whom I can be angry and I take this out on my friends-become-roommates. I don’t know who’s right anymore, or even if anyone should be right.

I hope after this is all done, we can go back to being good friends because I am most certain she’s avoiding me. I knocked on her door to ask her to pay the bills, and she did so as I was rummaging in my room for stamps and I came back to her door shut tightly and the checks on the table.

I missed the mailman and ran out of stamps, anyway. Than I took a quick walk to the grocery store to buy stamps (I had to buy something else to get cash back first, anyway) and their stamp machine is broken! A fine time, I tell you. But browing the USPS web site I found some reaaaallly cute stamps: here and here. I’ll have to buy stamps from the machine at work tonight to mail our bills in, sort of , on time but I can buy these for later.

It is sleepy time soon!

Apr 08

I’m alive!

I owe you all an update – on the site, my life, friendships, work and everything.

Some things don’t change – same job, same apartment, same site, same husband (of course) and the same roommate.

The site is the same, too, but not. My host had some issues with the server on which my site is, and hence the site when down. I was less than thrilled that they didn’t contact me at all, so I contacted them (unfortunately, my internet was also being shitty at the time so this took aaaaages) and they alerted me of the situation so I was just waiting for the site to return.

When it did, no one could visit it because it asked you to login and there was no “right” login: you just got a “authorized personal only” popup. Funny, isn’t it because the word is personnel. XD

It turned out that some file was making the site go crazy and while it may have existed it didn’t do anything until the server issues and once we got that fixed, my site kept loading the WP index.. which no one is supposed to see!

So, if you did see it, forget it. ;) It took a bit, but the splash page finally shows up again.

Also sitely related, I have a new affiliate. Visit Lotte!

Nonsitely related, I’m counting down the days until I move. I’m planning to leave Wausau for Milwaukee after the lease is up. It will only be a few months, but it will be enough time to spend some time in someplace else, with more people, more to do, so I can really live a bit. Plus, I’ll be able to spend more time with my aunt, whom I really like, and cousin down there, and the family in Chicago.

Though Ashley says it won’t happen (because I have lots of ideas all the time and I don’t usually go through with them) I have no reason to stay here and no place to go, either, once the lease is up.

I’ll probably stay with my aunt for a while and temp a bit. If worse comes to worst, I’ll transfer to another Wal-mart, though I’m reluctant to do so. Hopefully, it’ll be easy enough to find my own place and easier to live without a rooommate.

Wendy.. is a unique person. She’s cute, sometimes annoying, energetic but too submissive and unassertive for her own good (and mine) sometimes. If I send her an e-mail or write her a note she never replies (and I don’t see any improvement) and sometimes I have to ask her 3 or 4 times, face to face, to get a straight answer about things.

I thought that living with a friend would mean I’d do more but she rarely wants to do anything when I do, thus we only do stuff when she wants to and she pretty much refuses to drive me anywhere.

It’s only made worse by how she locks herself in her room. (I wonder if she thinks I do the same?) It makers her seem unapproachable and me feel alienated and alone. )=

Also, she isn’t very helpful. She owes me money and I think Iv’e been pretty understanding but I would like to see it come back to me someday, and the sooner the better. Besides that, I don’t think she’s ever touched a broom in the past almost year she’s lived here. I always have to clean hte kitchen, bathroom and front hall. I don’t expect her to clean the living room because it’s almost always my mess but the other two rooms are (usually) mutually messy.

When I have to do it all myself, I do it less frequently than I should and sometimes I wind up letting things go (the dishes, the garbage) just to see if she’ll do it but the garbage never gets switched or taken out unless I do it, or ask her to. Also, she never washed the towels and if I wash them, she’ll just throw them on the dryer instead of folding them. I at least help out by putting dishes away she’s washed and it shows that I know she did something.

She’s just not good roommate material and while I feel like she’s ‘dumping’ me to go live with her sister in a few months, I’ll be relieved to not have to deal with having to wonder why she couldn’t just put the bills (which were stamped!) into the mailbox isntead of on the entertainment center where I only accidentally found then. Speaking of which, the electric company sent us another bill and it says we owe $450-some dollars which isn’t right at all.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother with friends.. I finally got fed up with hearing Ashe always bitching about not having a job when she obviously wasn’t searching very hard at all (hey, I’ve been there and we all think we’re doing more than we are). I gave up trying to tell her nicely and told her in plain English to “get a fucking job.” Then, she went and posted it in her blog and went on with other things that made me not so happy.

So, I sunk lower than I should have and said things I feel sorry for saying but that I meant. I gave her honesty in less than friendly terms and I told her she wouldn’t get that from any of her other friends. I now consider the friendship severed because I figure it’s best we both cut our losses. I think it was coming to this for a while, anyway but it’s still sad..

It angers me that she still hasn’t gotten her stuff from my house. In fact she came over yesterday and left it. Come Tuesday, it’s out with the trash.

It makes me wonder, now, if any of the friends I made in high school.. were meant to be. If any of them will last because most of them I never talk to (because both parties don’t make the effort), I don’t talk to enough to have a good friendship, or we have had some sort of falling out.

On the bright side – I’m really feeling sooo much better about Rian and I. Things have been rocky-ish lately and it affected me to such an extent that I was feeling quite devastated even after we’d talked about it and worked some things about. However, I’ve been grinnign like an idiot and generally really happy about us lately. <3 name="work">Lastly my job still sucks and I’m pretty much counting down the days until I’m out of there.

That’s all!

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