Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Dec 17


It is 4:26 and I am newly showered. I am waiting for Wendy to awake but I realize that she may not work at her usual time. So, I am sitting here in a towel, listening to the quiet hum of my laptop. It is very calming and I realize that I have not been in a place where I could simply listen to it hum away. Wendy’s computer is ridiculously loud–so loud that you can easily hear it down the hall, in the bedroom. My laptop hums away; although, sometimes it is nearly silent.

It’s a shame that I do not take solace in the comforting and familiar sounds around me more often. The narrator of my relaxation CD tells me to do this as I fall asleep and, I must admit, the CD is more effective now than ever. Where I used to listen to it all the way through, and be wide awake, I am falling asleep with no concept of how long I have been listening to it. And sleeping through the night without so many awakenings. The result? I am sleeping far less than I used to. Perhaps still more than your average person (although, I have nothing on your average bear).

Now to get on a normal sleeping schedule because, as you can guess, it is quite abnormal for me to be awake at 4:26 in the morning and I won’t even make it to 8 o’clock tonight. I didn’t last night. That’s okay. I sleep much more soundly when it is dark. Luckily, Wisconsin offers me around sixteen hours of darkness every day and it certainly messes with one’s inner clock–especially if one is not awake during the few hours of light. This is also why I want to adjust my schedule.

But, for now, it is 4:41 and I am calmed by the sound of my laptop and that is all I need.

Dec 16

Sleep is for the weak

Actually, I disagree. I love to sleep. I would rather get lots of good sleep than socialize, sometimes. However, sometimes I just sleep because I feel like there’s no reason to get up which is a bit depressing.

Because I don’t have many commitments, my sleep schedule is well, not very routine at all. Especially as of late. I pretty much wake up whenever and stay up until I’m dead tired. When Ryan is home, I usually wake up in the early afternoon and go to bed pretty late but it’s been even more unusual since I got back from Wausau. I’ve gone to bed at 5 or 7 in the evening a coupe times and I’ve woken anywhere from 6:30 in the morning to 5 in the evening. It’s really all over the place.

Generally, I try to be awake around the time when the mail comes so I can check the box but that’s the only thing I really must be awake to do so I just sleep when my body calls for it and wake when I cannot sleep anymore. Sometimes, I wake up and realize there’s no reason to be up and go back to sleep.

I think that I will be glad to get back on any schedule once Ryan comes home.

Dec 02

Another World

Airports are like different universes. It’s as though someone grabbed a part of some parallel universe which is similar but not-quite-the-same and dropped it into the middle of our universe. Voila! An airport! Although airports are always under construction, it seems, I don’t believe they were ever constructed in the first place.

Time seems to be simultaneously faster and slower. It takes so long when waiting to board yet, 2 short hours later you’re someplace else. There’s a physical disconnect with the place you were before. this always feels so strange to me.

In airport and on airplanes we cater to the every whim of a person just because he or she wears a uniform. In the rest of this world, the uniform means nothing and is nothing more than a sign of an insignificant job.

You could live and work in an airport, if you never got caught. You could avoid people easily enough. Airports have every amenity to take care of you. Except there’s one small catch: airports experience a special sort of inflation. I always found prices in airports to be ridiculous, especially when you could drive 5 blocks and buy the same thing for a fraction of the price. But when you can limit what enters your institution, you control the prices.

I do not necessarily looking forward to stepping into one of these randomly placed glimpses into another universe in just two short days but I suppose I will live as long as I don’t have to stay there.

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