Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Sep 22

What the..

I just read the repeal against “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was blocked. I guess supporting our troops is just too much to ask, eh?

Wil Wheaton had it right when he posted this:

Which one is gay?

I’m going to be sad now.

Aug 15

Because not everyone sucks

I’ve stumbled across a few links lately that make me happy–not in a “This is so cute way” but in the “hey, maybe the world isn’t so shitty after all” way.

In this post, Michael Ian Black discusses a picture he ran across online in which two hefty girls are having a blast in their bras. Kudos to him for being a sincere human being. Kudos to them for being awesome.

A commenter on a ridiculous meme that supposedly insults liberals (I say “supposedly” because it’s done really badly) has this to say:

You know how I know you’re a conservative?

-Your writing is clunky and you confuse wordy sentences with sounding smart
-You capitalized about seven things that didn’t need to be
-You misspelled “liberal” and “Rachel” (that’s how she spells it) in the last bullet -You think the kids these days have “top friends” on Facebook.

A post on sluthaditcoming shows why the Old Spice guy advertising scheme is completely misogynistic as a humorous conversation between the Old Spice guy, feminist Hulk and Judith Butler.

And this image is made of win.

Ladies Liberty and Justice kissing

Mar 11

The Institution of Marriage

I must admit that when people talk about banning gay marriage to preserve the institution of marriage, I am entirely confused as to what the hell that means. It’s not like the one man-one woman ideal has exactly helped the institution. Society has come to a point where people view marriage as something as fleeting. Divorce is seen as an acceptable answer to every little problem. People quit instead of facing the facts: marriage is not for the faint of heart but with a little elbow grease, most problems are fixable.

And if you take a look at why people are getting married, you see that many times the intentions are not what can be considered good. They’re selfish or manipulative. People are marrying for money, legal status, because there is nothing better to do or for power. Sure, some people marry for love but society doesn’t seem to have a bone to pick with those reasons. I mean really, it’s like society has made a mockery of marriage anyway so wouldn’t letting people who want to marry because they love each others and their families actually help preserve this institution? Could just be me, though..

Speaking of families, procreation is often listed as a reason why gay marriage is a bad idea. As if gay people don’t want families? It’s not like they haven’t or won’t jump through hoops to have children and manage parental rights. No straight person would stand for that kind of legal red tape so why is it fair to ask that of gay people? And if procreation is so damned important, then shouldn’t we ban people from marrying who have no plans to or are not able to conceive children?

None of these arguments just make any sense when viewed from a logical perspective.

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