Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Dec 07

My weekend

Friday night I went to Holly’s 18th bday party.. Yes, alcohol and all. I didn’t drink much, mellow yellow for me because I’m not a big alcohol drinker.

I wound up being the beer bitch – everytime someone needed to do something I wound up holding their beer. Oh well, life goes on..

Anyway when we got there (Wenny, Dan, Ashe, Heather, and I) some people were already drunk.. Cody was pissed at his girlfriend or something so he slammed half a bottle of rum and wound up passed out half the night. While he was passed out they moved ihm down to the fire and drew on his face. THey being Holly’s brother and her nephew. Her brother is late early 30’s, late 20’s – how mature. -rme*

Erin was drunk too. Everytime he had a new beer it was like “this is beer # i’m so drunk” While I’m sure he was a little tipsy if I walked around saying I was drunk and being stupid eventually people would believe me too.. Any no one just sobers up.. You’re not durnk one minute and sober the next..

So anywya Cody’s girlfriend was really pissed he did that and I can udnerstand and I think their relationship needs some work and I hope to fuck he doesn’t read this blog entry.

So Heather got a bit drunk and kissed me on the cheek and schmidty was all “keep going.” I’m not sure if he was drinking either, but he was just great. Zer was another one who was drinking – she was all “Cole join my dance party in the garage” and she was the only one dancing. -lol*
Isaac showed up and left like 5 minutes later which I thought was rude.. tHey went to another party but MEgan came back because she said it sucked and eventually Katie and Zer came back too.. They had the bonfire all nice and stuff but no marshmallows )=

Well one of the trees started onfire so a bunch of drunk guys tried to fight it and it was hilarious.
At one point we were standing on the patio and Ashe was beant over slightly b/c she was laughing and Elise was walking toward her or something and thye collided. We heard Elise’s nose crack and she got a cut straight across the bridge. I think the bone broke and it was a clean cut. Now Elise is blaming Ashe and we can’t figure out why she was charging at Ashe in the first place.

People took Holly’s mom liquor and like no one said thsnk you so I made sure I did before we left.
Ashe and Dan spent a lot of time talking to eachother b/c they had a lot in common and that was cool. I think it upset Wenny but she didn’t want it to, but I don’t know really..

So then Ashe spent the night and we talked a bit and she’s not feeling the best over some things. I’m really not sure what I can say though. The enxt day Ashe woke me up but I didn’t wanna get up because my throat was killing em and I barely had a voice, but by last night it was better. We played gaames and watched movies and it was fun.

Her mommy came over and met mine; she saw our animals, too. Then Lary called and we set up when she’d come over to work on our paper and she caleld later because she was lost. Then we were talking and working on our paper and the fucking tree fell down because it was in a bucket and not a tree stand; the trunk was too wide to fit. So Lary held the tree while mom sawed off some and we forced it into the stand but it wasn’t standing so we caleld Bill to see if they had any ploywood and they did but that wouldn’t help. We wound up sawing off more of the turnk which made it even worse and decided we needed a new stand because ours sucks. Then Bill brought over an old stand but it didn’t have screws and ours wouldn’t fit so Lary drove mom to shopko and her car was being stupid. -laughs* It was hilarious.. Anyway they got back and we put up the tree and Tom shows up. We finally get it all good and LAry goes home. Tim wakes up after all this and surprisingly we didn’t break anything. However when I was redecorating the tree

I accidently broke one of the icycles I bought for mom last year. Arg.

Anyway today I woke up feeling like this and I can’t breathe. I watched I am Sam and it was so sad. I need ot go finish that paper now.

Nov 30

La di da..

Well Friday my aunt Debbie came up and she stayed for a little over an hour. I wish she’d stayed longer but it was nice. I don’t see her often and she’s my favourite aunt.

Then Ashe and I went to the library to do our econ and I saw Jake.. I went back to her house and we had fun just talking and playing super nintendo ^_^ If you put whipped cream in soda it gets chunky. Anyway that was nice

Last night I talked to Rian of course, played some yahoo pool and talked to some old friends.. susie, david, shelly, erik.. It’s good to catch up.

Tomorrow I’ll do some homework and such

I have a new to play minesweeper flags

Nov 27

Happy Turkey Day!

For once I feel as though I do have a lot to be thankful for, what a shocker..

I’d you give you a list, but.. oh hell here’s a list

Love, happiness, health, wit, intelligence, shelter, support, affection, understanding, friends and family, Floppy, and Rian

Oct 10

how sad..

I found out a girl at school killed herself.. She was friends with one of my friends who is pretty upset, understandably. I just don’t know how a person can feel like they have absolutely no one to talk to or nothing to do to feel better.. Well yes, I do know, because I have been there, but now it seems so far away because I do have people to talk to. I can’t believe how her family and friends were not there for her. Maybe they couldn’t tell? Maybe they didn’t care? Its like a lost art, and I find it so hard to believe!

I also find it shocking that with counselors in this school she didn’t go talk to someone. Your life is worth more than your pride, and I pity anyone who does not realize this! I know if I were in that position I would talk, because I have been there and keeping it all inside only makes it worse – so if you’re looking for any type of resolution that isn’t one.

-sigh* It’s just so sad. What I find even worse is that no one seems to know.. You’d imagine at school they’d let people know if this upset them and she was their friend they can go to the guidance office and talk to someone.. They also need to be telling people that if they feel like this there is someone to talk to, there are ways to deal, and it can

Oct 05

Last Night

Okay so tonight was west’s homecoming dance. I don’t go there – but I went to the middle school for that side of town and 3 out of 4 years I have gone to their homecoming dance with my friends from there whom I consider my real friends

well you see I had to convince one of my friends to go.. and she’s the one that picked me up and stuff so after having a fairly bad day she picked me up early and we redyed my hair and stuff at her house but then she goes online and talks to Steve and were supposed to be going to our other friends house and she wont get ready but we get ready and go to Robyn’s – only Ashley is late.. so we all finish and they take some pictures but I didn’t want to because I felt self conscious around Robyn’s family then we leave – Christina has to take her mom home Nikki, Ashley, and I go straight to the place and I leave my stuff in Nikki’s car

what happens is that Nikki sits there and doesn’t dance at all and we try to get her to but she feels like she HAS to go with a guy in order to have fun so she spends her time sitting at a table and whenever we come by her she leaves.. and then she give Christina her camera and tell s her to “Waste” the pictures long story short – she leaves and tells me shell drop our stuff off tomorrow

well then Christina and I decide we wanna go to Perkin’s but Ashley wants to stay so Christina and I stay in the gym cause its quieter less hot our feet hurt my ear hurts

the rest of the people come out and Ashley says she wants to go to Robyn’s and watch movies but I really wanna go to Perkin’s so she finally gives in and calls her parents and asks, but I wanted to get pictures but I felt like after the sweating we all looked pretty bad

and THEN i remember my camera is in Nikki’s coat pocket

so we go to Perkin’s but I’m really upset that Nikki has done this when this is like our last blast and I think after tonight we lost a friend

so I get there and I’m not happy and then we get this hot gay waiter and he comments about how I’m glaring and makes stupid jokes and eventually i have fun but I seriously feel bad especially because I used to be the girl that did that anyway he called me cute and all I could say is “you don’t want to fuck cute” you know I’m sick of being cute.. That’s for little girls
we make some jokes about the mirror by us being two way and stuff and I didn’t order right away so it takes ages for met o order and by then I needed take out and we were like yea doggy bag let’s tap on the two way mirror – he’s behind us.. and he appears!

oh I skipped the part where he asked if he could pet me and I said yes.. He was damn fine
So we drop me off first because I’m closest, and then I talk to Rian a bit.. Well fought -smh* And it wasn’t any fun – it didn’t get me anywhere but upset. He doesn’t seem to realize that I’m longing for him – not just anyone. I don’t want anyone else.

p.s. My hair does not have spots now, and I like it much better.. I’d take a picture but I look like I just woke up, because I did and I don’t have any of my makeup etc.

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