Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Oct 11

Dear Douchebag

I realize, that despite the age difference that makes you nearly a decade my senior, you don’t have the maturity to be in a healthy relationship. You, on the other hand, do not seem to realize that. Perhaps that is why you decided to string a good friend of mine along for over a year and then break up with her, without even telling her. Yea, thanks a lot.

And perhaps it isn’t even my place to say anything (but, hey, it’s my blog asshole) but I’ve been listening to her issues about your relationship for damned near a year. In my book, that’s long enough to wait for you to pull your head out of your ass and work on your shortcomings. So what I don’t understand is how you even have the balls to break up with her when you’re the one who should be wallowing in self pity after a particularly eye-opening dumping.

Without further ado, here is a list of things you need to work on in order to be successful in a relationship. Otherwise, your future endeavors will soon find themselves following the footsteps of your ex-wife and my close friend and not because of lack of trying on their parts. Wake up or, yes, you won’t ever find someone.

Learn how to communicate (Listen up, moron).
Seriously. Learn how to listen to people and hear what they’re saying or have them clarify without throwing everything through your stupid “I’m a man” filter. Then, learn how to tell other people how you feel. I’m pretty sure “I’m breaking up with you” falls into this category.
Prioritize your time (Get a fucking PDA).
You don’t need to please everyone or help everyone or do everything. You need to figure out what’s most important and dedicate sufficient time to those things and people. Working to earn a living? Important. Spending time with your loved ones? Important. Fixing everyone else’s shit? Not so important. The sooner you learn, the better. Otherwise, you’ll just wind up hurting those you care about. Furthermore, your friends and family are sick of you being so damned undependable.
Get over yourself (Now!).
Why should others make time for or care about you when you won’t return the favour? Don’t expect people to sympathize over your situation when you don’t give a crap about theirs. The double standards suck.
Take responsibility (Grow the fuck up).
Relationships are a two way road and if they’re not working, changes are both people need to step it up. You need to make an effort to recognize problems and continue making an effort to minimize them for life of the relationship, if not the rest of your life. Relationships take work and before you can do said work, you have to take responsibility for your share.

These four steps may not be simple or easy but they will help you have a healthy relationship with people. Once you can see beyond yourself, you can see why others have issues with you. Taking responsibility for your roles in those issues and resolving them will be so much easier when you learn how to listen and speak effectively. Unfortunately, this is a lifelong process that never ends. If you’re not up for it, kill yourself.

At the very least, stop fucking my friends around with your shortsighted childishness.


Oct 05

It was a dark and stormy night

It’s been fairly wet lately which has meant slightly lower temperatures and significantly higher humidity. Give and take, I guess. Last night it also meant a crazy big thunderstorm, the largest I’ve experienced in years. It was pouring when we left the movie theater (we saw Zombieland) and lightning struck as we walked to the car. It got worse over the course of the night, until about the time Ryan was ready to head to bed when lightning was lighting up the whole apartment and thunder striking loud enough to give you a heart attack. It was scaring the cats a bit, too.

I usually stay on the computer while it storms but I actually felt the need to turn it off and unplug it. It was so loud at one point it sounded like it was in the parking lot and the car alarms that were going off would likely agree. At one point, all the outside lights lost power and it went pretty dark in the bedroom. They came on pretty quickly, though and the torrents – as well as the lightning and thunder – let up. For a while, though, it was pretty cool/scary. d=

Oct 01

Going Gruene

To Gruene, Texas that is. We woke up early on Tuesday so we headed out to Gruene. I think I blogged about it last time but it’s a little historic town, northeast of San Antonio and we enjoyed it. We actually intended to buy some candles because they made some really neat ones but the shop which we bought them at was closed. We still bought a couple things, had lunch and generally enjoyed our time there. On the way back, we headed to a cupcake shop in San Antonio (red velvet for me, chocolate for him) and came home to find out mail problem seems to be solved. Finally! I had 4 or so packages waiting for me and I’m sure Etsy and Ebay sellers were more than anxious for me to leave them feedback. So, sorry about that, not my fault!

We intended to finish off the night with NCIS but Samantha called and, because I’m so awesome, everyone wanted a piece of me and there was drama. It was eventful and productive, overall, though. I hope we have more cool-ish days like that so we can do stuff.

Sep 24

Like the movies

Sometimes I wish my life were like the movies. Sometimes I wish things were perfectly beautiful or eve perfectly tragic. I script things out in my head but, of course, real life is never like that. Occasionally I hear songs that have a nostalgic feel, that talk of the good ol’ days and I wish they applied to me. I wish I could look bad and replay my memories to music. I wish I felt as though my life were worthy enough for a soundtrack. But it’s not, or maybe I just don’t view it that way.

Sep 10

Allergies and Facebook

Don’t worry folks, I’m not allergic to Facebook. In fat, up until now, I’ve never had any allergies whatsoever (besides, maybe Bandaid adhesive) so when I started getting really itchy in my hands and feet and tongue! and swelling and brekaing out in hives and turning red, I didn’t know exactly what was happening or what to do. When the hives started, we headed toward the ER on base but, of course, having some sort of reaction wasn’t enough, no. They had to be doing 100% ID check at the gate and the guy had to be paying enough attention to see that my ID had expired in February so he confiscated.

Good thing you don’t need to show your ID at the hospital, right? Oh, wait! You do! So after we got there and waited, I filled out a bunch of paperwork including an extra paper because I didn’t have a military ID and I went through 4 or 5 other IDs in my purse before finding the one that wasn’t expired. Wouldn’t you know that they’d call me before I was even done with said paperwork. Ugh.

So initially, I talk to someone who gives me some Bendaryl but, by that time, everything was already dying down. They make me wait to see the actual physician and I do, after more than an hour. I was fine and just ready to get checked out by then so she listened to a couple deep breaths and I was out of there. They didn’t even send me home with more Benadryl. As you can see, it was quite the waste of time but now I know should something like this happen in the future.

I mentioned Facebook, right? Well, while I was waiting for the physician, the tech/nurse struck up a conversation with some little girl’s mom because they were both from the same city in Washington. They began talking about some guy they both apparently know (in typical it’s-a-small-world-afterall fashion). Of course, the woman told the tech to look up said mutual acquaintance on Facebook.

This struck me as amusing for two reasons. 1) There’s this automatic assumption that everoyne has Facebook, now. Just a few years ago, no one was on Facebook. Myspace was all the rage. 2) I can almost guarantee I would never run into anyone from my hometown or even relatively close. There’s definitely a tendency for folks from home to go Army or National Guard if they enlist because there’s no Marine, Navy or AF base anywhere in the state. Which kind of makes me sad. I want an it’s-a-small-world-afterall moment. Please?

Anyway, I’m all better now so you can go back to your previously scheduled lives.

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