Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Feb 09

Shit I Said Last Night

  • i always get perverted when i’m crying
  • lebanese men are delicious especially the little ones
  • someone should put him (obama) out
  • i think my face is the wrong size
  • i don’t like dildo rape COMMA terminator COMMA megatron
  • It was dericious
  • Don’t dwink a dwum full of wum


Shit others said about me:


cole gets really racist when she drinks water #keepthembitchesinline


As some point I decided I needed to fuck a bartender for the benefits. Apparently I turned purple when the waitress startled me. She later said she’d have to give me a time limit on my drinks in the future.

Yea, good times.

Feb 05

The Strangest Thing Just Happened

I was painting my nails — trying to be patient because I wanted to layer two colors and both are tricky formulas — when my bra started to feel strange. The band felt like it wasn’t quite in the right position. I soon realized that my convertible strap had slipped its hook, and was loose. I was able to pull the strap right to the front.

Of course, I have — and had — wet nails. Taking off my shirt and bra to slip the hook back into the hole and put it all back on is going to fuck up my nails. I have no idea what to do, but I also am confused as to how this happened. I’ve had this bra for some months, and this has never happened before.

So strange.

Jan 18

Pinterest Success!

Although I’ve discussed my Pinterest failures and my Pinterest “meh” experiences, I don’t think I’ve written about any of the successes I’ve had. I recently made a wonderful chocolate, PB oatmeal cookie — and I even took a few liberties. I love recipes that have room for experimentation, er, laziness.

I swapped out crunchy peanut butter for flavored stuff from PB Crave.  I also only had instant oatmeal. The result was quite soft and not as pretty as the pictures in the recipe but tasty. Even Samantha, who claims to hate oatmeal cookies, wanted me to bring more. Mom had a hard time quitting shoving them in her mouth. Pretty good compliment.

I mean, they’re no-bake, but I still slaved away over a hot stove. ;)

Dec 14

Don’t you know that you are

Catch a shooting star..

Catch a shooting star..

This isn’t the blog post I started to write, but maybe this is the post I need to write. Do you ever feel like that?

I vaguely remember someone discussing tonight’s meteor shower, and then I promptly forgot all about it until a friend posted on Facebook. I thought that I’d step outside to see it since I was up, but I forgot as I finished the show I was watching. You see how silly I am?

I stepped outside in my gizmo slippers, not expecting to see anyone, but my neighbor was getting something from his car so I retreated inside. I finally remembered and headed back outside to watch the stars. I oriented myself, found a dipper and shivered. I was just about to give up and go inside. As I turned, I saw a meteor burning brightly and flying through the sky. It renewed my patience, my strength. I stayed outside to find another one. I adjusted my position because I realized the building might’ve been blocking some meteors. Of course. I was limited because I was in my gizmo slippers and didn’t want to get them wet with snow.

The second meteor came from the same direction but shot out in a different path. It was so bright. They both seemed so closed. I waited out a third “shooting star.” Its trajectory was similar to the first. I felt that three stars in such a short time was enough to call it a night. It’s the type of night where you see your breath, and what sort of weirdo stands outside in slippered feet in the middle of a Demcember night?

Oh yes. I do.

The science isn’t as exciting as the mythology. The idea of a shooting star, of something you make a wish on. It’s the stuff of fairy tales, of songs. It is, for some people, a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I found myself reminded of the beauty of nature. Of the insignificance of it all. Of the minutiae that is myself and every other human. I stared at the sky with childlike eyes. I was in awe, and I loved it.

Moments like these remind me how I’ve become soft in my old age. I jest. I’m hardly old, but it seems like the older I get, the more I appreciate my ability to look at things with awe, with wonder, with softness. It’s a talent I’ve not always had, even as a child. I cherish the ability that I’ve grown.

And I am grateful for the opportunities to exercise that.

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