Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Oct 28

Why don’t straight people have drag shows?

I mean, seriously. There’s few things as fun as going to a drag show, but I would enjoy myself just as much if I were watching people dress up without gender bending and either dancing, syncing or otherwise performing to music. But straight people don’t do this. You never walk into a straight bar and see that kind of performance. Karaoke? It’s drunken and shameful, something you want to forget. You sure as hell don’t want to take photos unless you plan on using them for blackmail in the future. 
I guess my point is, why do the gays have all the fun?

Sep 13

A bunch of things I don’t understand

  • Why I can never get to sleep
  • Cupcakes without frosting
  • The phrase “Have your cake and eat it, too”
  • When normies use the word “adorkable”
  • Sexless marriages
  • People who cheat as a way of dealing with said sexless marriage
  • When people say “I’m on my way”, and they’re actually not
  • Why everyone in this building slams the door and runs up the stairs. Repeatedly. All night long.
  • Why the only link Google is showing me about the iPhone 5 is for Samsung (Actually: LOL)
  • Why Goliath always feels the need to walk right over my keyboard.
  • Why does Apple even bother announcing things like the iPhone 5 when the company can’t manage to keep anything a secret, anyway?
  • Morons.

Edited to add:

  • People who don’t know how to use their voicemail. I’d hate to be you when you miss the call from the cops that your spouse/mother/child is in the hospital. =/
  • TVs are 29 inches. So unnecessary. Cool but not necessary.

Aug 27

Can You Get a Drink Around Here?

I have a problem. I have come to enjoy a glass of ice water at night, as I’m trying to fall asleep. The other night, I poured myself a glass. I set it on the nightstand. I lay down.

Goliath stuck his paw in it.

I dumped out the contents and got myself some more ice water. Then, I noticed the glass was obviously not rinsed well enough. It was all sudsy. I emptied and rinsed that glass.

I poured a third glass. Would this time be the charm? It was, finally. By then, I wasn’t quite so thirsty. Obviously, it’s harder to get a drink in this place than you’d think.

Jul 06

3 Reasons Why A Knight’s Tale Is Still a BAMF Movie

1. Heath Ledger

I never drooled over him, but he does have a nice smile, and he plays the leading man very well. When he waxes poetic about his beloved, it makes me want to crumble. I want her to want him.

2. The Quotes

This movie is so well written. Why don’t people talk about that? The lines are almost all quotable. Here’s a couple of my favs:

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.

Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough.

With hope. Love should end with hope. My husband, God rest him, told me something I’ll never forget. Hope guides me. It is what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you’re gone from my sight it will not be the last time I look upon you.
3. The Loyalty
Sure, I love the rag-to-riches story, but I love how much integrity William and crew have. He learns to respect the word of a woman, his beloved is strong, his men are loyal and the prince participates in jousting? Everyone just seems like the heart-of-gold type. The move is so damned heart warming.
Also, I like the ponies and the music.

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