Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Mar 19

Oh the horror!

feeling: Headachey and extremely tired

So, after about an hour of sleep I’m all refreshed and ready to work tonight – not. I went to bed around noon but just couldn’t manage to fall asleep, probably because I slept so much and so late this morning.

Anywhoo, I was waiting for Mom to call when she was done with work so Wendy and I could go over there and iron on some transfers to make Wendy a Dir en Grey tank top for her concert on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, it just wasn’t going right from the get-go. First, Wendy had to run home because she realized she forgot the shirt. LOL. Then I realized I had to invert the images (I lost the main instruction sheet and couldn’t remember since it’d been so long and the only one I had said you didn’t need to invert it)! Finally, we get to ironing after running home twice, having Floppy jump on the ironing board with the hot iron, and it doesn’t work.

It wouldn’t peel off. The paper hardened and stuff to the shirt. So we figure we’ll iron the back just to see if that would work and it turns out the image wasn’t inverted even though we’d run home to invert it? It didn’t work anyway so we attempted to peel the hardened paper from the tank top but that failed, too.

So now I’m home with a headache and no sleep and I have the distinct pleasure, no, honour of going in to work. Not only do I get to work with Diane (aka the slowest cashier on the face of the planet) and Kim (aka read my “Dear X” post) but the new overnight CSM, Katie, starts. After working there for a full 3 weeks she earns promotion – how the hell?! Anyway, I’ll miss Deb once she goes back to grocery but hopefully I’ll be out of there soon – I applied for 10 or so places online a few days ago.

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