Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Jan 18

Pinterest Success!

Although I’ve discussed my Pinterest failures and my Pinterest “meh” experiences, I don’t think I’ve written about any of the successes I’ve had. I recently made a wonderful chocolate, PB oatmeal cookie — and I even took a few liberties. I love recipes that have room for experimentation, er, laziness.

I swapped out crunchy peanut butter for flavored stuff from PB Crave.  I also only had instant oatmeal. The result was quite soft and not as pretty as the pictures in the recipe but tasty. Even Samantha, who claims to hate oatmeal cookies, wanted me to bring more. Mom had a hard time quitting shoving them in her mouth. Pretty good compliment.

I mean, they’re no-bake, but I still slaved away over a hot stove. ;)

4 comments on “Pinterest Success!”

  1. Awesome! :D
    I’ve only tried a few things from Pinterest so far but the most successful were the Nutella cookies. I really need to try more things.

  2. Which nutella cookies? I made some that weren’t nutella-y enough.

  3. Oh, yes. I remember you posting photos now.

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