Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Feb 17

One hell of a houseguest

I spent yesterday with my Mom. I figured, I could push my sleepiness until late in the day and both enjoy the company of my family while resetting my schedule. I sort of succeeded on both accounts. I hung out with my sister, talked to my aunt, caught up with Mom and her husband, chilled with my cousin. I enjoyed brownies–a new tradition, it seems.

And by the time 7 PM rolled around, I was curled up on the sofa, drifting to sleep, while my sister lay on the other end. Although I had fully intended to go home, I wound up crawling in her bed and sleeping the night away. This is why I am up at 8 in the morning.

I feel so silly. I know I entertained the hell out of everyone for my tired shenanigans but I also know I would have been more active, if I weren’t so tired. I apologized to Mom for coming over to eat her brownies and fall asleep. She just laughed and said I as funny. I did, however, wash her dishes and fold some laundry before we headed out this morning so I’m glad I could help her out a bit.

Anyway, there’s no post to this except to say, yay family!

Dec 14

Simple Pleasures

I make brownies quite frequently. They’re good. As much as I enjoy the finished product, I love licking the spoon just as much. I remember when I was younger, waiting for mom to finish so I could lick the spoon. I hated having to share with my sister. We’d fight over who got what implement. Ryan doesn’t care to lick the spoon because he has no love for life he’s not a fan of sweets, really. Oh well. More for me.

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