Decorative Flower
Her Realm, Personal website and blog of Cole
Mar 02

I didn’t blog at all last month.


I did, however, meet a new guy. It didn’t work out. C’est la vie.

I finally took down my Christmas tree and decorations.

I made plans for a friend’s birthday this month and to see Panic! at the Disco next month.

I started working with a new client.

I got a credit card as part of my make-my-credit-awesome-and-buy-a-house-plan.

I cleaned up nail polish that my cat broke all over the floor. Twice.

I walked as many miles as the weather would let me. And then I sat around in pain as my ankle unexpected decidedly to hurt me. Walking hurts but not walking hurts more.

I played Ingress, albeit at a much slower pace. Level 11 is only 600k away or so!

I saw Deadpool.

I played a lot of Lord of the Rings Online. But now I’m over it.. for a while.

I decided to read more, and am working my way through at least three books. Keep up with me on Good Reads.

I forgot to pay 2/3 of my bills. Somehow. WTF.

I wrote some more poetry on my writing blog, Lyrical Musings.

I may also have a new theme idea for this blog!

So, yea, I didn’t blog last month.

But I got out of my comfort zone. I laughed and loved. I made my friends happy. I cuddled my cats. I lived.

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